Calendar Evenimente

A Day for your Heart - with Indira Bauschmid and Anand Vimal
Sambata, 28 Septembrie 2019, 09:00 - 20:30

Our Hearts are the portals to Life in all its’ colors. By connecting to and through our Hearts we can experience Life in deeper, meaningful and joyful ways.



Our Hearts are the portals to Life in all its’ colors. By connecting to and through our Hearts we can experience Life in deeper, meaningful and joyful ways.


This seminar is a journey to connect to our Hearts and to learn to go into the Heart whenever we choose to. As we bring consciousness into our Hearts, we will become more and more able to distinguish which is the voice of the mind and which is the voice of the Heart.


From this Heart space we can connect to ourselves and others and experience our relationships from a state of love and they can become more honest, joyous and light.


During this one-day seminar we will create together a loving and safe space in which we will use our breath, movements, our voices and active meditations that will help our Hearts and energy to expand.


Both singles and couples are welcomed and no previous experience is needed.



Here is how Spersa Kreis, the founder of Art of Love Institute (Freiburg, Germany), recommends Indira & Vimal’s workshops:


“Nava Indira Bauschmid from Germany and Anand Vimal (Mihai Popa-Radu) from Romania participated in most of my seminars, they are serious practitioners who embody the essence of my teachings and I trust them to spread my work.

They are offering various seminars and their work is based on my teachings. The weekend seminars are designed by Spersa and include exercises that they have been learning and practicing with my guidance since several years. That’s why I recommend you to participate in their seminars.”



And this is how some participants ti Indira & Vimal’s seminars describe their experiences:


“During the seminar I was able to really connect with and express how I feel and to experiment with the different qualities of my energy. The exercises were amazing and the flow of the whole seminar helped me to go deeper and deeper.

After this experience I feel more inner strength, I am able to create a deeper connection with my vulnerability and I learned how important it is to express our emotions in a healthy way, without hurting the others.” - Simona R.


“For me, the seminar did an amazing job. It is very well prepared, with a good flow from the beginning to the end. Vimal and Indira facilitated the workshop with a lot of love, in a very warm, kind and precise manner, they are a trustful couple to guide you.

If you are looking for something powerful that can produce deep inner transformations and if you are open, I highly recommend the workshops facilitated by Indira  and Vimal.” - Teo C.


“It is an experience about finding your way back to yourself, letting go of things that are harmful or useless, and allowing yourself to feel and be just the way you are in the moment.

Intense emotions, new insights about myself and others, joy and freedom.” – Claudiu H.


This event is based on the work of Spersa Kreis, founder of the Art of Love Institute in Freiburg, Germany.


The facilitators

Indira and Vimal met in 2014 in India and since then they have been sharing both their love for each other and their passion for human development.


Indira (Jenny Bauschmid - Germany)


I feel blessed that I had the chance to discover mind and body work as a space for my own being and growing about 15 years ago. Within my journey, I learned in the presence of many great teachers as Saleem Matthias Riek, Alan Lowen, Spersa Kreis and Diana Puja Richardson.


I am a certified coach, mediator and Gestalt therapist who has been working with people for more than 12 years.


Vimal (Mihai Popa-Radu - Romania)


My journey started back in 2003 when I discovered coaching and continued in 2007 when I discovered meditation while exploring the Oriental philosophy and psychology. I studied with HH Dalai Lama, Alan B Wallace, James Flaherty, Alan Lowen, Spersa Kreis, John Hawken and Kaifi Iraklis.


I am a certified leadership coach, organzational change consultant and mindfulness instructor.


Indira and Vimal are the sole representatives for Romania of the Art of Love Institute from Freiburg, Germany.




When: 28th of September 2019

Where: Seeds for Happiness spiritual center, Bucharest (str Fabrica de Chibrituri 16, sector 4, zona parcul Carol)

Language: the seminar will be facilitated in English and brief translations in Romanian will be provided individually when needed



09.00 – 09.25: Welcome

09.30 – 13.00: Sessions 1 & 2

13.00 – 14.25: Lunch break

14.30 - 20.30: Sessions 3 & 4


*-slight changes might occur during the day with the timings due to the flow of the activities, however the days will start and end on time


Refreshments: fruits, cookies, water, coffee and various types of tea will be available during the breaks (please bring your own water bottle – plastic or metal, not glass). Lunch arrangements can be made at a nearby restaurant and paid separately by participants.


Contribution (includes participation to the seminar & refreshments during the breaks; doesn’t include lunch)

Early bird: 70 Euros (integral payment by September 10th 2019)

Standard:  80 Euros (integral payment no later than September 20th 2019)

Last minute: 90 Euros (integral payment no later than September 26th 2019)


As we aim to have an equal number of women and men, for couples (in life or only for this seminar) who register together we offer a 10% discount each from the applicable rate.


Registration & Payment:


To reserve your place, please complete the reservation form available below. After this, you will receive the payment details together with the registration form.

Your place will be secured only after we receive the payment confirmation of the full contribution and the completed registration form.


Payments will be made in Romanian Lei at the official exchange rate valid on the day of payment. To benefit from the Early Bird or the Standard offers please make sure that you pay by the respective deadlines.

If money is an issue, please contact us.




Updates about the event will be added on the Facebook event page, available HERE .

Additional information only for participants will be sent via email so please make sure that you provide an email that you check regularly when you register.


If you have questions, please write to us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Join us for the A Day for your Heart if you wish to:

  • access the intelligence of your Heart
  • cultivate self-love
  • meet others in an meaningful way
  • celebrate your aliveness


Locatie : Centrul Seeds for Happiness, sala Focus (parter)

Galerie foto:


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